Can bed bug Foggers Affect your Health

Can bed bug Foggers Affect your Health


Bed bug foggers involve killing bed bugs using fine pesticides by spraying into the infested area. This method is not very effective as the bedbugs are known to hide in crevices and cracks where spraying may be difficult.

For it to be effective, the liquid suspension or spray must be directed to the pest using a blower. In this case, the mist may only kill the insects hovering freely in the room and not bed bugs. Most pests have become resistant to pyrethrum based insecticides, and bed bugs foggers fall in this category. Foggers may react to some people and pests, especially when used in large quantities in a closed room. Here, we’ll look into how the use of bed bug foggers can affect your health and prevention measures. Keep reading.

Reaction to chemicals

Reaction to chemicals and insecticides depends on an individual. Some people have a strong smell, while others don’t. Good odors make one feel good, but an unpleasant odor is not appealing. In the case of insecticides, the odors are not sweet.

A person’s sense of smell may be affected by age or gender. However, the reaction to smell depends on several other factors.. A person may view a  particular scent as pleasant while another person may be offended.

Even if you don’t react to the smell of a particular insecticide, other factors will make it unhealthy for your body.

Most bed bug fogger reviews will not tell you about the health effects. However, long exposure to insecticides may cause skin irritation. Pyrethroids are not quite effective in killing pests. What happens? When spraying, some people apply plenty in the hope it’ll eradicate the bugs.

The process of eliminating these pests may take longer than expected. It may expose you and other people living within large deposits of accumulated insecticide residues.

Can bed bug Foggers Affect your Health


As the air around you becomes polluted, you may develop a headache after inhaling the contaminated air. You may feel dizzy and your body may feel weak.

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After inhaling this kind of air, you’ll feel nauseated. The smell of insecticides will not fade out easily, so the bed will still smell long after spraying. This will cause you to feel uneasy during bedtime and you may feel restless or even lack sleep. In the morning, you’ll wake up feeling so tired and sickly.

Lack of breath and sweating immediately after spraying is also a symptom associated with the side effects of insecticide foggers.

Sneezing and coughing are other symptoms associated with reaction to insecticides. You may even experience irritation to the tongue, throat, and skin due to dermal exposure.

How does pesticide come into contact with humans? 

Pesticides may affect a person who’s fumigating, and any other person who may inhale through the nostrils or mouth or his skin gets into contact with it.

Insecticide foggers produce mist which you may feel through your tongue or even breathe it in. The mist can easily find its way into any opening that’s not covered. The pungent smell doesn’t disappear easily. If it gets into contact with the beddings and even the bed, it will disturb you when you retire in bed.

Can bed bug Foggers Affect your Health

Respiratory problems   

When you spray your home with the windows closed, the foggers can cause respiratory problems, especially if you’re asthmatic. The smell from the goffers is not pleasant and may react to individuals. Most insecticides are pyrethrum based, which has a pungent smell. It can irritate you if you’re sensitive to strong smells. Remember, the bedbugs hide in beds, and this is where you spend most of your night hours.

Can bed bug Foggers Affect your Health

Health hazards

The effects of pesticides in humans depend mainly on the level of toxin in the chemical, the length of use, and exposure. If you spray carelessly, it may contaminate food, especially if the food was left open during fumigation. The chemicals will, in the end, find a way to the human body and may have an adverse effect.

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Acute effects

The effects may be acute and felt immediately. These include vomiting, stomach upsets, and diarrhea. It can lead to death if the level of toxin is high depending on the chemical used in the spray. If the spray gets into contact with your eyes, it may cause serious irritation, itchiness, and even blurred vision. Other effects may be nausea, coughing, and stomach upsets.


Long use of chemicals can lead to serious health complications which you may not feel immediately after using pesticides. The manifestation in the body is gradual and progresses with time. This may lead to cancer of skin, lungs, liver, leukemia, which are among the cancerous effects. Exposure to insecticides may give rise to blood cancers to children. Long term exposure may also lead to nervous disorders, asthma, and the development of Parkinson’s disease.


The use of foggers in bed bug eradication is effective to some extent. However, there are some pests that are resistant to pyrethrum based insecticides. Therefore, you may spend a lot of time spraying on the bedbugs without a guarantee that infestation will stop.

The more you spray, you’ll expose your health to accumulated pesticide residues, which may take longer to clear from your bed and beddings. Air pollution can be a nuisance for you and your family.

There are natural pesticide killers such as diatomaceous earth, which have been proved effective and aren’t hazardous to your health. Avoid the foggers and choose a safe method.

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